About Us

Launched in 2005 from the mind of a professional stained-glass artist, Luna began as an acoustic guitar brand that swiftly established itself among popular artists as having instruments with a unique look and delightful sound. New models featured artwork from well-known artists, Henna designs and other patterns that with a goal in mind to place a unique touch to an already main stream instrument. Many design ideas came from symbolic elements that have empowered people throughout history such as the dragon and the phoenix. Guitars were built with slimmer necks and lighter bodies, keeping the female guitar-player in mind by offering a comfortable alternative. To understand the thought-process behind Luna instruments is to understand and appreciate world culture, nature and art.
As time progressed, we expanded the line to include electric guitars, ukuleles and bluegrass and eventually percussion, which diversified our audience and demographic. It was at this point we noticed Luna becoming increasingly popular. Joining the ukulele market helped boost Luna’s presence tremendously and by 2014, we needed to expand our marketing approach to accommodate a broader consumer base. The idea was to make a unique mark and create an impressionable product that will inspire others. From pioneering the use of laser-etching for designs, to creative High Tide inlays made of abalone, and utilizing different tropical woods to create landscapes, the goal was to encourage uniqueness and excel in their craft. It was this type of creative thinking that landed many of our ukuleles in recording studios, stages and among many trusted retailers across the world.
In other words, the Luna brand as well as the Luna Tribe has been growing at a rapid pace ever since. (The Luna Tribe includes anyone that owns a Luna instrument!)
As a lifestyle brand, Luna promotes happiness through adventure, learning new things and channeling your inner creativity. The idea is to choose an instrument that inspires you to think above and beyond and perform like no one is watching. We are here for the beginner players and support the seasoned singer-songwriters and musicians along their tough but rewarding journey. From artists such as Rick Springfield and The Warren Brothers to music departments in schools and charity organizations, Luna has something unique for everybody. We support aspiring musicians of all ages, artists and the songwriting community by selling quality instruments at an affordable price. Whether the project is to get more ukuleles in schools or send instruments to the fine men and women serving our country overseas, the tribe always stands for something bigger. The Luna Tribe embodies the definition of community and the concept of people helping people.
As younger brand, we easily relate to younger demographic that accompanies aspiring musicians as well as fulfill the needs of modern days musicians. Music makes the world a better place; why should instruments be outrageously expensive? Play the Art of Music and create something beautiful with Luna!