First introduced as a built-in feature of our new Heartsong series guitars, the USB output is also an incredibly easy and useful upgrade that can be applied to any Luna acoustic with a B-Band® preamp.
It's a record-on-the-spot solution compatible with any USB-supporting Apple or Windows laptop, smart phone, iPhone or iPad. This output gives you plug-and-play capability into your favorite recording software, so you can record your songs and ideas remotely directly into your device, using your favorite recording app... simply plug in and go!
No external USB power, or powered USB bus/hub, is required. This solution gives you your standard guitar output jack, a 9-volt battery compartment, and a Type I USB jack. A USB Type I-to-Type II cable is also included for your convenience. (iPhone/iPad users will need the Apple Camera Connector kit to complete the connection from the Guitar to the iPhone/iPad's connector)
Fore more information, visit